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تعداد صفحات: 1
Attention to personnel, subject that to obtain adherent in this period of ten days. Managers have understood the basic role personnel in the organization. As workplace became more complex the need arose for only who specialized in hiring, plant working condition and dealing with workers aboat working condition and benefits.
The subject use desired of personal propounded from beginning growth management. Management scientists to express ones opinion for dissolving this problem Becouse grout hand development of organization is in pledge use desired of employecs.
We will want to known resin non use desired mangers of employees.
This research study relation ship accomplish management duties and use desired of employees.
Breed progency this research is result study that accomplished above 30 manager from manages of organization social securing Tehran city in 1379.
for analysis information use of regrasion analysis and computer program splus. Results this reseach is showing that non – atlention to accomplish manager duties is the most important factor in non – use desired managers of employees.

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