کتاب آموزش جامع ماشینکاری کتیا (CATIA Surface Machining Tutorial Book)، یکی از کتاب های مرجع و کاربردی در زمینه آموزش محیط فرزکاری (Prismatic Machining) نرم افزار کتیا می باشد. این کتاب مشتمل بر 460 صفحه، به زبان انگلیسی روان، تایپ شده، به همراه تصاویر رنگی، با فرمت PDF، به ترتیب زیر گردآوری شده است:
Getting Started
Operation-oriented Machining
Entering the Workbench
Rough Machining the Part
Z Level Machining of the Outside of a Part
Z Level Machining of the Inside Walls of a Part
Checking the Result of the Operations
Creating an Area to Rework
Generating an NC Output File
Generating NC Shop floor Documentation
Area-oriented Machining
Entering the Workbench
Defining the Areas to Machine
Defining the Tools to Use
Rough Machining the Part
Sweeping the Top Surface
Sweeping the Sides
Z Level on the Vertical Walls
Reworking Between Contours
Generating an Output File
Generating Workshop Documentation
Basic Tasks
Rough Machining Operations
Sweep Roughing
Sweep Roughing - Geometric Components
Sweep Roughing - Machining Strategy
Edit the Tool of a Machining Operation
Sweep Roughing - Macro Data
Roughing - Geometric Components
Roughing - Machining Strategy
Roughing - Macro Data
Automatic Rough Stock
Finishing and Semi-finishing Operations
Sweeping - Geometric Components
Sweeping - Machining Strategy
Sweeping - Macro Data
Z Level Machining
Z Level Machining - Geometric Components
Z Level - Machining Strategy
Z Level Machining - Macro Data
Spiral Milling
Spiral Milling - Geometric Components
Spiral Milling - Machining Strategy
Spiral Milling - Macro Data
Contour-driven Machining
Contour-driven Machining - Geometric Components
Contour-driven Machining - Machining Strategy
Contour-driven Machining - Macro Data
Create a Profile Contouring Operation
Create a Profile Contouring Operation Between Two Planes
Reworking Operations
Pencil Operations
Pencil - Geometric Components
Pencil - Machining Strategy
Pencil - Macro Data
Roughing Rework Operations
Axial Machining Operations
Create a Spot Drilling Operation
Create a Drilling Operation
Create a Drilling Dwell Delay Operation
Create a Drilling Deep Hole Operation
Create a Drilling Break Chips Operation
Create a Reaming Operation
Create a Counter boring Operation
Create a Boring Operation
Create a Boring Spindle Stop Operation
Create a Boring and Chamfering Operation
Create a Back Boring Operation
Create a Tapping Operation
Create a Reverse Threading Operation
Create a Thread without Tap Head Operation
Create a Thread Milling Operation
Create a Countersinking Operation
Create a Chamfering Two Sides Operation
Create a T-Slotting Operation
Create a Circular Milling Operation
Machining Features
Defining an Area to Machine
Defining an Area to Rework
Defining offsets
Tool Path Editor
Editing a Point on a Tool Path
Editing an Area on a Tool Path
Connecting a Tool Path
Reversing a Tool Path
Approaches and Retracts in tool paths
Packing and unpacking a tool path
Checking for Tool Holder Collisions
Reading STL files
Auxiliary Operations
Insert a Tool Change
Edit a Tool Assembly in the Resource List
Insert a Machine Rotation
Insert a Machining Axis or Origin
Insert a PP Instruction
Insert a Copy Transformation Instruction
Part Operations, Programs and Processes
Part Operation
Set Up and Part Positioning
Manufacturing Program
Create a Machining Process
Organize Machining Processes
Apply a Machining Process
Managing Manufacturing Entities
Edit a Tool in the Resource List
Specify Tool Compensation
Machining Patterns
Define Macros on a Milling Operation
Define Macros on an Axial Machining Operation
Status Management
Verification, Simulation and Program Output
Replay a Tool Path
Accessibility on VNC Machine
Machine Management Toolbar
Material Removal Simulation
Material Simulation Settings
Generate APT Source File in Batch Mode
Generate Clfile Code in Batch Mode
Generate NC Code in Batch Mode
Generate a CGR File in Batch Mode
Generate NC Code Interactively
Generate NC Documentation
APT Import
VNC Access
Advanced Tasks
Design Changes
NC Manufacturing Settings
Build a Tools Catalog
Tool Resources
Access to External Tool Catalogs
PP Word Syn taxes
PP Tables and PP Word Syntaxes
NC Documentation
Workbench Description
Menu Bar
Manufacturing Program Toolbar
Auxiliary Operations Toolbar
Tool Path Management Toolbar
Machining Features Toolbar
Manufacturing Auxiliary Views Toolbar
Geometry Selection Toolbars
Machining Process Toolbar
NC Manufacturing Toolbars
Workbench Description
Specification Tree
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کتاب آموزش جامع ماشینکاری کتیا (CATIA Surface Machining Tutorial Book)